Our main Sunday service is at 10am. We use a blend of new worship songs and traditional hymns to complement the theme of the service.
We love to worship the Lord and believe that we can experience God’s presence through Spirit filled worship.
The teaching is centred on the authority of the Bible and its relevance for our lives today.
The worship is led by our music group. They work closely with those who lead and preach and meet regularly for music practice and for prayer. Their aim is to help everyone to encounter God in worship. We share family communion on the second Sunday of each month.
We welcome children of all ages into worship. Our aim is to support parents by helping the children to feel part of worship.
If you would like to have a funeral or memorial service here for a departed loved one we would be happy to welcome you. It is not necessary for you to be a member of this congregation. You are also welcome to come to this church for your wedding ceremony. Please contact us on: 01327 702000 or email us on: urcdaventry@yahoo.com

Who are we?
We are a lively, family friendly evangelical church experiencing renewal in the Holy Spirit and excited about what God is doing.
We aim to be a church community of love and acceptance where all ages can feel they belong and can grow in faith.
We believe that the Bible is God’s revealed word, relevant for all generations and that it impacts and changes lives today.
We believe that everyone can know God through a relationship with Jesus Christ.
We believe that everyone is uniquely gifted to serve God in the power of the Holy Spirit.
We are a member of the Evangelical Alliance, also part of the New Wine network, and a member of GEAR, (The Group for Evangelism and Renewal within the United Reformed Church).
You can find out more about the Evangelical Alliance at www.eauk.org and about New Wine at www.new-wine.org